Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let the Music Play..!!

"Oh Come on..!!!" I screamed.. on those lifeless headphones as I struggled to untangle them and wondered "How the hell do these wires always manage to get tangled in my pocket?".It was almost midnight & I took refuge in my night cab as a part of my week long ritual while returning back from office after a long paralyzing week .. which was marked with deadlines and endless meetings ... and most importantly no breakfasts & ironically Bread omelettes for dinner...not to forget loads of caffeine to keep zombies in IT companies, like mine, awake..."What have I become?" I asked myself and unfortunately there seemed to be no answer. The nerves in my brain just gave up and I just hoped to complete those 20 mins of my dreadful journey in non AC cab on way back to my PG..Nothing seemed to go right that week..!! But all of a sudden, the deafing silence was disrupted, as my fingers fumbling over my mobile's keypad hit the play button. It was a composition called "Almost A whisper" by Yanni ..The mystical piano chords just enslaved me from the very first note .. I was indeed defenceless..!! .. The music just touched the very depth of my soul...the melody just kept continually growing and melting was so pristine and sacred that it breathed my immortal sadnesss...My heart beat quickened and I could feel the tender throbbing of happiness and beauty seeping into me. Within few seconds, the nostalgia gripped me and took me back several years in my MBA days, where I first heard this song standing bare feet on the Calangute beach in Goa..I could very clearly see the waves & even feel the sand, as Yaani continued to spread his magic.. I was weird but mesmerising... I wondered," How can a song evoke such a powerful emotional and physical reaction and transport us unconsciously to a different place and time ?". Its said that “Close to events of high emotional charge and change, the brain takes a ‘recording’ of all the other things that were going on at that heightened moment. Emotions are tuned to detect change and when the emotional temperature has risen far enough the move from recognising something to feeling something is triggered. There is something about music evolves over time, as do emotions. When we hear the song we re-live the emotional sequence that happened when we first heard it”... It’s called ‘Darling they’re playing our tune’ theory"...Its very personal to each of us.. The huge treasure of MP3 files in our computer's hard drives defines us...Its unique to us...! The complete orchestra of these hormones which result in such an emotional climax and the symphony created out of it is still unknown to humans. There are no definite answers even for the well known "Mozart effect" either. We keep creating new moments experiencing new emotions and creating the bitter sweet symphony of life ourselves..Nobody knows how it all happens...How a electrical signal from the mobile through earphones gets coupled to the rhythms of our heart...May be its better that this mystery remains unsolved... May be that’s what makes music divine... The train of thoughts was sabotaged by the sudden break of my night cab.. I had reached my destination...And Yaani's magic I came back to present. It was midnight and as I got out of the cab, I thought, "Till the time those geeky scientists keep slogging for building a Time-machine which can take us to our past through some forbidden Wormhole ,we human's have smartly invented our own way of traveling back to our memories through our own Music Spaceship!!"..and with a light hearted smile on my face and me nodding my head said to myself... Life is not so bad..As they say.

“Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up”


More Naresh said...

Nice one ajay....My mind synchronized with your exp.

Atul Sharma said...

Loved it!

Arvind Kumar said...

Rocking!! In sync with every emotion and expression..

Ajay said...

Thanks guys .. I m Glad u all liked it ..!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely piece...very evocative. You should write more often :)

Ajay said...

@Manisha: A word of praise from u .. Its an honour .. :)

Purnananda K said...

Awesome Ajay! Start writing more..

chandni said...

language is the way to express and wen its expressed like tis... it doubles the charm of the expression...

Neha Pai said...

great ajay....almost instantly connected with everything you wrote...great goin!!!