Thursday, May 28, 2009

When the web starts reading your mind..!!

It was in year 1920, when Edward Bernays (nephew of famous psychologist Sigmund Freud) who pioneered application of psychoanalytical techniques on the masses for advertising, asked a simple question …..“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it?
He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the "Engineering of consent.”. He observed...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

Fast Forward to year 2009, the Netizens are hooked up to Internet spending, more & more time online (especially on Social Networks which have become hubs of social interaction). Many of the new sites, thanks to Web 2.0 technologies, have allowed for the easy creation of heaps of digital data. With Blogs, Social networks, RSS feeds, Flickr feeds, Twitter messages, video clips…the data just keeps growing on and on and sharing information becoming as easy as tweeting from your cell.

There is an emergence of what people call, “River of news” — where stories would flow as a river and you would dip in and drink what you could. As bandwidth (and connectivity) grows, we would be using the web more, including sharing more and more objects. With our innate human need to interact with one another in this connected world, we try to mimic our offline interactions online in real time. It’s a way to share your life, your opinions, with those close to you, no matter how far away. With more than 175 million people signed up across the planet, Facebook in many ways has started to resemble our real-life social networks.

This has given an entirely new dimension to public opinion & online social networks, making it more powerful and disruptive than ever before. Instance like the Kryptonite scandal, where a small kid sitting in his basement almost drove a company to bankruptcy within 9 days by just blogging about it, has given nightmares to every CEO on this planet.

Today we are sharing links, text messages and photos in these streams. Videos or video life streams come later. These streams are more relevant mostly because the context comes from our social graph.

The online world is in a dying need of A Psychoanalyst, another Edward Bernays, one who could understand user’s online behavior and tap these vast amounts of data for business & commercial purpose…Welcome to the world of WEB ANALYTICS…A land where complex algorithms based on tools like, Recommender systems, Collaborative filtering, Information Scent, can read your mind, understand your underlying intentions, without even letting you know…spooky isn’t it ?

Web analytics (in simple terms) measure a visitor's online journey. It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole, assigning a cookie to the user, which can uniquely identify them during their visit and in subsequent visits. Calculating Information Scent, which measures how attractive is a particular link, which could compel a user to click & follow it (or in other words how strong the is scent..??)

Armed with cutting edge algorithms & technologies like Click Stream analysis that collect data about user movements on a website, keeping a track of the links visited, including where a user came from, their route through the website and their destination on exiting the site. Link analysis can include observations of the links clicked and their associated position on the screen, time spent within a web page and making connections between links visited and consequences (e.g. purchase made). Others include techniques like Collaborative Filtering, which compares user’s tastes with those of other users in order to build up a picture of like-minded people. The choice of content is then based on the assumption that this particular user will value that which the like-minded people also enjoyed. The preferences of the community of like-minded people are used to predict appropriate content. Some of the online social networking sites are planning to model the social graph of its members. By this they mean that they want to model the relationships between all people.

So while on Facebook, whenever you are taking a quiz, becoming a fan, commenting, etc. the algorithm crawls looking out for your data, knowing more and more about you, studying you, analyzing you.

A typical a Dominant Social Metric for analyzing a person can consist of parameters like:-

Cognitive Similarity
Tie-Strength (Relationship Duration, Interaction Frequency, Closeness)
Trust (Competence, Benevolence, Integrity)
Social Capital (Reputation)

In fact, Facebook will soon be debuting a “Social Rank” algorithm which determines which of your friends are most relevant and important to the task at hand.

This understanding of user behavior and hyper connectivity can have amazing and limitless possibilities in future. Imagine a service that would scan through your twitter messages, your news feeds or communities and marry them to data on internet, such as a nearby movie theater or a mall and Bluecasting it on your cell phone, as to whom you can contact for what& giving suggestions tailored exactly to your taste, an ultimate mash-ups of diverse data sources keeping you in mind… Interesting isn’t it?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss …Really??

Well last few weeks have been one of the most interesting times in life. Where I am abounding with one of the rarest resource on earth…TIME..!!..Well, the weekend as over & there was this whole week standing right there in front & staring at me, right into my eyes…pretty scary huh..!! It was a cold Monday morning….I thought of switching on my TIME KILLING MACHINE…My PC…but even that couldn't cure my boredom...What a pity…!!

All of a sudden of the most beautiful questions mankind ever created hit me…WHAT IF..?? which hits each one of us at some point in life epitomizing all the desires & dreams in ones life all in one go…Isn’t it ?? For example…

What if I had a chance to go for an MBA in Harvard..?? What if I had been one of those lucky people who knew their passion in life quite early & accomplished it..?? What if the girl whom I liked, had liked me too…?? And on & on & on…

This reminded me one of my favorite movies…Vanilla sky which talks about the story of David Aames (Tom Cruise) the man that had everything he wanted…& one day he finds love of his life but more or less loses it on that very day… But he is given a second chance with a catch to regain it all back. The catch is he gets to live his dream but in a simulated dreamy life & a chance to be HAPPY FOREVER.

He now faces a choice to live in a dream or face the cruel reality...By the end of the movie, I was awestruck. I couldn't get it off my mind. The whole idea of it just blew me away. The ending, was more of a surprise than Shyamalan could ever do.

In the end facing his demons and the full scope of what is happening David chooses reality, simplicity, and normality to see if he can finally find the one thing he could never get a grip on: happiness.

Vanilla Sky touches the idea of making a choice between fantasies, dreams, and all-consuming materialistic pleasures, and then the stark realities of actual life. I was shocked at David's choice but not disappointed. Or perhaps I was disappointed in his choice but not shocked. It made me consider the way in which humans, when given the choice, will always choose knowledge over happiness. Ignorance is bliss, but no one ever chooses that path; as in the Matrix, no one chooses the blue pill. Humans resign themselves to "reality" (which is subjective anyway), & moan about the tragedies & the bleakness, but when given the chance to be comfortable and peaceful and to luxuriate in pleasantness and dreamy times, one will give it all up in the name of "truth".. it seems odd…Truth over happiness…But still natural. David's best friend in the movie Brian makes references several times to the sweet and sour nature of life, i.e. things are more sweet, when you've experienced the sour. The beauty of life is more truly appreciated when the trials and heartbreaks are fully experienced.& Its not about wondering What if..?? its about moving ahead, enjoying the Sweet & sour Symphony of life..!